So what’s new in the sewing community

So what’s new in the sewing community? Here’s a monthly round-up of some news of what’s happening in the vibrant sewing community across the globe!

Four Maine State Bicentennial commemorative quilt murals have been created and installed in North Franklin County; sites include the Avon Town Hall, High Peaks Artisan Guild in Kingfield, Fotter’s Market in Eustis and the Pratt Farm in Strong.

Actual over 100 year old crazy quilts, on loan from local historical societies, were on site during some of the workshops for study and to provide inspiration.

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A woman is offering a $300 reward to anyone who finds a sentimental quilt that was accidentally donated to a thrift store. It also could have been mistakenly thrown away.

Jamie Currier-Dix crafted a quilt made from old T-shirts to surprise her daughter Alyssa with, reported. It included T-shirts from Alyssa’s boyfriend who died when they were together.

It’s been 100 years since women earned the right to vote in an election and they’re celebrating by voting.

Inside the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center, on the way to the polls, there’s a quilt display honoring 100 years since women fought for the right to vote and won.

Museum Director Mary McMurray said each individual block in the exhibit tells the story of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.

“For some of them you can pick up and see an American flag on the back,” McMurray said. “It gives us a sense of empowerment to continue our own march in our daily actions.”

We hope you enjoyed this round up of what’s new in the sewing community!

Do you have any other local stories/news that you came across that would be worthy of sharing with our sewing community? Share it with us on