How to Sew a Mini Christmas Stocking | Madam Sew

FREE Mini Stocking Pattern and Tutorial

‘Tis the season to be crafting! If you’re looking to sew something quick, easy, and useful for the holidays this year, you’re going to love this mini stocking pattern. I’m thrilled to present a free template and show you how to sew a mini Christmas stocking in less than 15 minutes!

It is a very easy and beginner-proof sewing project. The finished stocking is about 7”x10”, not including the ribbon.

CLICK HERE to download the FREE Mini Stocking Pattern

Stocking Feature

This mini stocking pattern is perfect for using up fabric scraps. However, if you want to make stockings in mass, plan on buying ¼ yard of fabric for every four stockings. So, you could make 16 stockings if you buy 1 yard of fabric! The pattern works best with woven fabric. I used regular quilting cotton.

Here’s what you’ll need to make a mini stocking:

  • Scraps of fabric for the cuff and main portion of the stocking
  • Ribbon
  • Basic sewing and cutting supplies


Let’s get started!

Keep in mind that you’ll be using a ¼” seam allowance for this pattern. Using a larger seam allowance would work, but it will make your stocking look longer and skinnier than in my photos.

Step 1: Cut Out the Pieces

Begin by printing out the stocking template on regular 8.5”x11” paper and cut it out. The download for the stocking template can be found at the top of this post. Then, pin or trace the pattern onto your fabric. You need to cut out two of each piece, mirrored (so that you have left facing and right facing pieces). You can easily cut out mirrored pieces by folding your fabric in half and cutting out both the front and back pieces at the same time. Notice that you need to place the cuff pieces on a fold when cutting out.

Also, cut a 6” piece of ribbon for the hanging loop.

Cut Out the Stocking
Cut Out 2 Cuffs
Pieces to Sew a Mini Christmas Stocking

Step 2: Attach the Hanging Ribbon

Fold the ribbon in half and position it on the right side of one of the cuff pieces. It should be placed ¼” down from the center side at a 45° angle. The end of the ribbon will be in the seam allowance. Refer to the picture below to get the placement right. Then, baste the ribbon in place and trim off the excess ribbon so it does not bulk up your seam.

Attach Ribbon to Cuff

Note: If you want to add embroidered names to your mini stockings, now is the best time to do that. If you’re going to personalize them with fabric markers or heat-transfer vinyl, you can do that later.

Step 3: Sew the Faux Cuff

With ribbon attached, place front and back cuff pieces right sides together and sew down the sides using a ¼” seam allowance. The ribbon should be sandwiched between the cuff pieces.

Place Cuffs Right Sides Together

Turn the cuff right side out and fold in to form the cuff. Press well and set to the side.

Finished Cuff

Step 4: Sew the Stocking

Take the two stocking pieces and place them right sides together. Then, sew with a ¼” seam allowance all the way around the stocking, leaving the top open. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end. Keep in mind that you may need to do some stopping and pivoting to maintain a smooth curve. It also helps to sew with a ¼” presser foot.

Sew Main Stocking

Since this stocking pattern is not lined, you should finish the seams now. You don’t need to worry about clipping around the corners because the seam allowance is so small. Instead, use a serger to finish the seams or an overlock stitch on your sewing machine. This will prevent fraying. Madam Sew has an overcast presser foot that makes this super easy.

Finish Seam on Stocking
Overlock Stitch

Step 5: Attach Cuff to Stocking

At this point, all you have left is to attach the cuff to the stocking. With the stocking inside out, place the cuff inside the opening with the ribbon side to the back. Match up the seams, pin or clip together and sew all the way around using a ¼” seam allowance. This is a small area to sew, so be careful.

Attach Cuff to Stocking

Finish the seam with a serger or an overlock stitch, like you did with the main portion of the stocking.

Finish Seam at Stocking Cuff

Turn the stocking right side out and press well.

You’re done… It’s time to fill it with candy or goodies!

Fill Stocking with Candy

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I hope this mini stocking pattern is exactly what you’ve been looking for. Let me know if you make some in the comments below. I plan to make dozens of mini stockings to use as gift wrapping this year. You can also make them even smaller and use them as Christmas Ornaments. Don’t you think that would be perfect?

Looking for other Christmas crafts ideas? Check out these tutorials on the Madam Sew Blog:


Cara Stromness,
Blogging for Madam Sew and Sewing Society


Download the PDF of the Christmas Stocking Tutorial 
Download the PDF of the Christmas Stocking Pattern

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