Yes, if you sew or quilt you NEED a Clapper for sewing and quilting! Seriously, you’ll be amazed how this simple tool can take your projects to the next level. Read on to find out more!
When I’m talking about a clapper…
I don’t mean someone that will clap for you when you finish a project, though that’s not a bad thing. In fact, I kind of think that we need those too. Or at least someone to give us praise. Mirror Mirror on the wall…tell me I’m a good sewist or quilter after all! 🙂
I am also not referring to the plastic hands that are often used by companies at an employee rally or meeting and yes…I have used those in my previous jobs. Maybe you have too!
And…I don’t mean the nifty little gadget that helps you turn your lights on or off with the clap of the hand. Although, it might not be a bad thing to have for those times you just don’t want to get up from your sewing table. What…don’t judge me, I get a little…focused.