The Magic Holder Manual

This magnetic holder can hold pins, needles, a seam ripper, or metal thread snips.

We love the fact that you can attach it to a sewing machine and always have some essential sewing tools at hand.


How to attach the Magic Holder ?

The arrows in the drawing show you the best spots to attach the magic holder. Make sure it doesn’t get in the way when sewing, and check if you can still cover your machine with the storage box.

To apply this to your sewing machine: Clean the surface. Remove the sticker backing of the holder. Stick the Magic Holder on your sewing machine. Hold a few seconds. Ready! You can now hang your seam ripper, some pins, little scissors on the holder and remove them easily.

We added a spare double sided sticker in case you want to remove the holder and place it on another spot. Attach it to the back of the holder and start over. To remove residues from the glue and not damage the surface of your machine, soak the glue with vinegar.

WARNING: Do not place it on your LCD screen. If you aren’t sure, please check with your sewing machine supplier to see which spot is best suited for the Magic Holder.


Interested in buying The Magic Holder ?

Get your Magic Holder HERE