Madam Sew 32pcs Presser Foot Set!!!!!!
12 Days of Christmas! This Week Only!
Free Gift with your Presser Foot Set order!
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Give your Creativity a Boost with 32 Presser Feet in a Super Organizer Case
Get 32 presser feet + bonus adapter + printed and video instructions + deluxe organizer case for the price of a few feet bought separately
With free DVD and App for iPhone, iPad and Android with video instructions for all feet ($20 value)!
Get 32 presser feet + bonus adapter + printed and video instructions + deluxe organizer casefor the price of a few feet bought separately!

BUY NOW WITH 50% DISCOUNT & FREE SHIPPING + This Week Only: Free Gift, Choose from 3!Your Price : $59.99 (Retail Price: 119.99)
During Our 12 Days of Christmas Promotion You Get a🎁 Free Gift 🎁with your 32 PCS Set Purchase!
Add the Set to Cart by Clicking the Green Button and select the gift you want on the next page!

What Makes This Set So Special?Our Favorite Features

High Quality Presser Feet

Compact Organizer Case

Watch 'n' learn the way you wantUnleash the power of all the feet by learning to use all of them. Read the booklet, watch the DVD, swipe through the free App or browse the online manual. You'll know exactly what to do with each foot.

Countless Options
- Put in an invisible zipper
- Make fine and elegant hems
- Easily Add Bias binding to whatever you are making
- Stitch-in-the-ditch like a pro
- Top stitch the perfect neckline
- Add embellishments like braid or ruffles
- Add beautiful machine quilting texture to your quilts
- Satin Stitch with ease

Our customers LOVE it !

BUY NOW WITH 50% DISCOUNT & FREE SHIPPING+ Today Only: Free Gift, Choose from 3!Your Price : $59.99 (Retail Price: 119.99)Retail Price: 119.99Your Price : $59.99Universal Snap-On System

The Pieces Are Crafted With The Utmost Quality

Cheap, flimsy feet create only low quality sewing projects. Since you or family members deserve the finest sewed materials, you can’t half-step when it comes to the tools that get the job done. You’ll notice right away that this feet kit is made with nothing but the finest quality material. This will be confirmed once you attach them to your machine and get working. The results are stunning and the kit is incredibly compact, ensuring the best overall functionality. When you use this kit, you’ll have everything you need, whether you’re handling hemming, bias binding, topstitching, embellishments and so much more! We take our product quality seriously, which is why production was moved to Taiwan. You’ll have no problem caring for these feet, because they’re stored in a heavy duty, durable storage box that you’ll be proud to carry around. BUY NOW WITH 50% DISCOUNT & FREE SHIPPING + Today Only: Free Gift, Choose from 3!Your Price : $59.99 (Retail Price: 119.99)Easy-To-Understand Instructions Printed Manual

Online Manual For in-depth instructions about every foot you can access our digital manual. You can print this comprehensive manual or open it with your computer, tablet or phone. Either way, you will be able to access a video tutorial and a blog post tutorial on every single one of the 32 feet and the bonus adapter.Check out the example tutorial at the left and see how this Ultimate Presser Foot Set will really lift your sewing skills to the next level.

So how much does it cost?
BUY NOW WITH 50% DISCOUNT & FREE SHIPPING + Today Only: Free Gift, Choose from 3!Your Price : $59.99 (Retail Price: 119.99) :|zpendofcontent|:
- 32 presser feet (average cost $15-20) = $480-$640
- Bonus adapter = $ 25
- A detailed manual that shows you everything you need to know about using the product = Invaluable
- 32 videos that make your learning process a breeze = $220
- 32 tutorials to help you get started effortlessly = $150
- Instructional DVD = $20
- App for iPhone/iPad/Android = $20
BUY NOW WITH 50% DISCOUNT & FREE SHIPPING + Today Only: Free Gift, Choose from 3!Your Price : $59.99 (Retail Price: 119.99) :|zpendofcontent|: